This statement was issued by the Sarsanghchalak (President) of RSS - the preeminent Hindu organization in India regarding the massacre of Hindus in Gandhinagar Akshardham Temple.
Date : September 25, 2002 - FOR PUBLICATION :
"Coming just same months after the heinous roasting alive of innocent Rambhaktas at Godhra on February 27, the vicious terrorist attack yesterday on the Swaminarayan temple at the Akshradham in Gandhinagar has once again deeply hurt the national psyche. Our security forces have gunned down the terrorists who were supposedly belonging to an outfit called 'Tehrik-e-Kasas'. It will be a fatal mistake if Pakistan thinks that it can realize its monstrous designs of swallowing Kashmir by indulging in such reprehensible acts in different parts of India. Let it also realize that it will have to pay a heavy price for all this sooner than later.
It is quite natural that the nation wants to give expression to its hurt feelings. However they should express their anguish through democratic means only and in such a way that it would demolish the evil machinations of Pakistan to spread unrest allover the country. It is imperative at this point in time to maintain utmost restraint and peace while giving expression to their hurt sentiments.
On behalf of the RSS I pay my tearful homage to all the deceased men, women and children in this cruel carnage. I offer my condolences to the bereaved families. I wish speedy recovery to all the injured. It is my humble submission to His Holiness Sri Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the Chief Priest of the Swaminarayan Sampraday, that he may bless the entire Hindu samaj through his noble guidance at this perilous hour.
On the one hand the Mullah-Moulvi leadership of the Muslim community would never tire in their proclamations that Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood. On the other hand their Mecaulayist and Marxist fellow travellors will be ever ready to attack and accuse Hindu society and Hindu organisations for all those bloody incidents in which Muslims are involved with a view to denigrate and demoralise them. Today both of them owe a responsibility to explain as to what is there in Islam that instigates terrorists to indulge in such barbarous acts in the name of bringing glory to their religion and propels them to kill and die. Protecting the interest of Pakistan alone cannot be the motivation for people for indulging in suicide-attacks. It is critically important today to go deep into this question.
This is a testing time for the Muslim leadership. It is not enough if they stay satisfied with merely issuing some condemnatory statements. It is expected that they also join the national mainstream by participating shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the society in its peaceful protest against the gory incident."
(Ravindra Kumar)
Delhi Karyalaya Pramukh
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