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Ambassador-at-Large's statement on the terrorist killings in Akshardham Temple
Posted on Wednesday, September 25 @ 23:52:31 UTC by admin

Gujarat : Complete Coverage

The following statement on Gujarat killings was issued by the Ambassador-At-Large for PIO and NRI Shree Bhishma Agnihotri.

All the members of the Non-Resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin are shocked and outraged at the heinous criminal activity perpetrated by the terrorists against common citizenry. The massacre of 30 odd innocent civilians in the Swaminarayan temple complex in Gujarat can be described as conscious provoking act by Pakistan to incite riots on the eve of the forthcoming elections in the State, a proof of continuing sponsored terrorist activities committed by Pakistan in Indian territories and a fundamentalist approach by that country to harm civilian lives in a neighbouring country.

The Government of India is taking appropriate and stern action to root out the acts of terrorism from the soil of India and to plan suitable retaliatory action as required. Pakistan is constantly attacking the limits of restraints shown by India and its strong belief in the principles of peaceful coexistence.

The act committed by the terrorists needs to be condemned in very strong words and our sympathies are for the people of the State of Gujarat and the family members of victims. The NRI/PIO community must provide correct information, raise awareness of India's position on the issues of terrorism and extend support to the cause of India at this point of time.

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